Flixya is yet another good site if you want to ear. It’s just like other social networking site available on the internet but with a difference. You can write articles, upload images or videos and your ads will make the money for you.
First, flixya is a site where you write a blog or an article, upload photos and videos; basically socialize with everyone. We all do this on myspace.com, facebook.com and other sites. However, the positive thing about fixya.com is you’ll be making money from the ads placed on your profile.
You will be receiving 100% of the revenues from the clicks around your articles, blogs, photos, videos, etc. Now, come on who wouldn’t want to make some extra cash? Especially if you love writing, then you will be doing something you enjoy and most likely do often anyways for free. Except this time you’ll be getting paid for it.
Now, the question is who pays you? Google adsense is your answer. You can sign up for a google adsense account here: http://walkaboutangel.googlepages.com/googlestuff
Then once you sign up you will be giving a pub number, which you will use on flixya.com.
Once you have everything set up, you’ll be making money by the clicks you get to the google ads in your profile. The way to get clicks to your ads is to write articles or blogs and then promote them so that you can drive traffic to your ads.
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